


Welcome to Don’s Toolbox! The resources presented here are designed to be used in conjunction with each other.

  • The Study Guide can be used together with the Audio Messages for individual or group Bible study groups.
  • The Teacher Notes are Don’s messages laid out in an easy to follow format to be used for individual study or for teaching a group.

Our prayer is that you will be blessed by these resources and will grow in your understanding and knowledge of God’s Word. If you have been blessed by these free resources, please consider Partnering with Bible Teaching Resources. Contributions are tax deductible and can be made online [click here].


A Practical Verse-by-Verse Study of COLOSSIANS

How Christians Grow:

“Christ is All and in All”

Centering around the Ministries’ key verse, Colossians 3:11: “that Christ is all and in all”, we discern in this letter the numerous stages of Christian growth that the normal Christian passes through. The person of Christ is beautifully magnified in this letter. You will get to know Him better through this study.  (12 studies)

Study Guide

Our Study Guides are designed to be used in conjunction with the Audio Messages or the Teacher Notes.


Study Guide

click to download

Colossians Study Guide

Teacher Notes

Teacher notes compiled from Don’s material to be used for study & teaching.


Teacher Notes (Studies 1-6)


Teacher Notes (Studies 7-12)

Additional Tools

Additional Tools are included when available.

  • The Charts are scans of Don Anderson’s method of diagramming the text prior to diving into a full study of the Word.
  • The Study Notes are all the resources, verse references, commentaries and illustrations he compiled to cover a specific section of scripture or topic. These are the actual notes Don used in teaching Bible classes.


Study Notes (Studies 1-6)


Study Notes (Studies 7-12)


Charts (Studies 1-12)

Thank you for visiting Don’s Toolbox. If you have found these resources helpful, please consider making a donation to support Bible Teaching Resources.


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