Out of stockJanuary - June devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
"Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son...an heir through God" (Gal. 4:7). How does God work in our lives? What is the conflict between flesh and the spirit and how does one experience victory over sin in his life? These questions and many more are answered in this series from the book of Romans. (12 studies)
These eight brief messages outline what is involved in coming to know Jesus Christ in a personal way. These are a gift from the Ministries. If you are not certain about your relationship with Christ, it would be our joy to send these to you at no charge other than shipping cost. (8 studies)* Please contact us for pricing on large quantities.
Part 1, 8 studies, deals with the parables of Christ. You will listen to a verse-by-verse study of eight passages that will strengthen, encourage and uplift you. Part 2, 8 studies, deals with eight of the parables of Christ. You will gain insights into the “Prodigal Son,” “One Lost Sheep,” “the Rich Fool,” and five other parables told by our Lord, with a special meaning for our lives today. (16 studies)