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  • 1 Corinthians (Audio)

    This verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians deals with practical problems of Chrsitian living today by taking a look at the problem-plagued Corinthian church. (24 studies)
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    Abraham (paperback)

    Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $4.00.
    Delay Is Not Denial Don’s study in Genesis vividly presents Abraham as a man in a hurry, unwilling to wait for God’s perfect timing in his life. Not just examples from the patriarch’s life on how God used a man with shortcomings, Delay Is Not Denial provides biblical answers to the dilemmas and temptations that we all face as we strive to wait on the Lord.
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    A Gift Too Wonderful for Words (hardcopy)

    Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $6.00.
    In the midst of our Christmas card sending and the holiday vending, we may too easily forget that all the hoopla began as the celebration of the birth of a king, Jesus Christ. God’s ultimate gift to us, He is the original, and only truly meaningful, “reason for the season.”  
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    A Word From the Word & a String of Pearls (hardcopy)

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.
    You’ll enjoy a year’s worth of daily Scripture readings and practical lessons compiled by Don. Bible verses and pithy lessons focus on distinct scriptural concepts each day, providing spiritual meat for the week. Pearl supplies 52 short, folksy devotional articles—one per week—to encourage and inspire (and even make you laugh a bit).  
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    Joseph (paperback)

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.
    Fruitful in Affliction Facing adversity? Learn lessons in dealing with disaster from one who survived and soared above the circumstances. The Old Testament patriarch Joseph overcomes a dysfunctional family, employer troubles, and false imprisonment, and discovers that all things happen for good--God's good. Joseph teaches us how to forgive, bear fruit, and finish well.
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    Drawing Closer, Growing Stronger (paperback)

    Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $3.50.
    Making the Most of Your Walk with God Draw closer to the Creator of the Universe. He created you. He cares about you. He loves you, and He longs to be close to you. Grow stronger in your faith. In your knowledge of God’s ways. In your trust in His sovereignty, and in your delight in His Word.
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    God Wants a Relationship…Not a Performance

    Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $7.50.
    When it comes to victorious living in the Christian life, God takes the leading role. However, we too often convince ourselves a human being is capable of performing to please God. Our human performance doesn’t cut it with God. Only our acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives brings heaven to its feet.  
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    James (paperback)

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.
    Running Uphill Into the Wind The Christian life is like an athlete preparing for a big race. It is running uphill into the wind. Every step of progress is costly. Advancing and taking new territory involves sacrificially spending ourselves. Champion Christians are those who have been spent and are still going on—seeking to plant their feet on higher ground.  
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    Keep the Fire!

    Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $7.50.
    “Keep the Fire! kindles a radiance that reveals the true value of piling up birthdays. Unlike candles on a cake this flame lights the inner spirit of the elder laureate with eternal hope.” —Howard Hendricks    
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    New Living Translation (Tyndale House) Make the next 365 days the most exciting year of your life. Read, understand, and live all of God’s Word with The Daily Walk Bible    
  • Abraham (Audio)

    Discover the struggle and success in the believer's life of faith from Abraham, the man of faith. (8 studies)
  • David (Audio)

    David is a man after God's own heart experiencing the heights of success and the depths of failure. In the midst of all of it, we see a faithful God. (24 studies)
  • Elisha (Audio)

    Discover what God can do with one man who is available to Him for service from the life of Elisha. (8 studies)
  • Elijah (Audio)

    Discover how to cope with the thrill of the mountaintop and the depression of the valley from Elijah, a man who knew both so well. (8 studies)
  • Gideon & Samson (Audio)

    From the life of Gideon discover the blessings of faith and obedience, and from Samson, the dangers of indulging the flesh. (8 studies)
  • Isaac & Jacob (Audio)

    I tried to do it my way but the Lord did it His way. (12 studies)
  • Joseph (Audio)

    Discover how to face the trials, tests, traumas and temptations of life triumphantly from the life of Joseph. (12 studies)
  • Moses (Audio)

    The Life of Moses, an incredible servant of our Lord, can be divided into a series of three 40s. Each 40-year period is filled with lessons for believers who desire to serve the Lord effectively. (24 studies)
  • Saul (Audio)

    Learn the consequences of an unsurrendered will and an unrepentant heart from the life of Saul, first king of Israel. (8 studies)
  • Solomon (Audio)

    This series merges the Kings and Chronicles historical records with Solomon's own writings in Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes, to create a biographical sketch of the man who wrote "Above all else, guard your heart." Unfortunately, Solomon failed to do just that. (24 studies)
  • Learn the thrill and excitement of a relationship with Christ from the men who knew Him best. (12 studies)
  • The entire collection in Mp3 format along with study guides on a separate CD in a zippered travel case. (All 12 CDs)
  • Joshua (Audio)

    Joshua's life inspires us. He filled some awfully big shoes in taking the place of Moses and leading the children of Israel from victory unto victory. (24 studies)
  • Job (Audio)

    Job teaches us how to persevere when the unexplainable circumstances nearly sap the life out of us. (24 studies)


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