Out of stockJanuary - December devotional. This issue is OUT OF PRINT. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
January - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
January - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
Out of stockJanuary - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
Out of stockJanuary - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
January - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
January - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
July - December devotional. PDF downloadable available in Don's Toolbox.
Sale!You’ll enjoy a year’s worth of daily Scripture readings and practical lessons compiled by Don. Bible verses and pithy lessons focus on distinct scriptural concepts each day, providing spiritual meat for the week. Pearl supplies 52 short, folksy devotional articles—one per week—to encourage and inspire (and even make you laugh a bit).
Sale!Delay Is Not Denial Don’s study in Genesis vividly presents Abraham as a man in a hurry, unwilling to wait for God’s perfect timing in his life. Not just examples from the patriarch’s life on how God used a man with shortcomings, Delay Is Not Denial provides biblical answers to the dilemmas and temptations that we all face as we strive to wait on the Lord.
Centering around the Ministries’ key verse, Colossians 3:11: “that Christ is all and in all”, we discern in this letter the numerous stages of Christian growth that the normal Christian passes through. The person of Christ is beautifully magnified in this letter. You will get to know Him better through this study. (12 studies)
Sale!Making the Most of Your Walk with God Draw closer to the Creator of the Universe. He created you. He cares about you. He loves you, and He longs to be close to you. Grow stronger in your faith. In your knowledge of God’s ways. In your trust in His sovereignty, and in your delight in His Word.