Part 1, 8 studies, deals with the parables of Christ. You will listen to a verse-by-verse study of eight passages that will strengthen, encourage and uplift you. Part 2, 8 studies, deals with eight of the parables of Christ. You will gain insights into the “Prodigal Son,” “One Lost Sheep,” “the Rich Fool,” and five other parables told by our Lord, with a special meaning for our lives today. (16 studies)
Couples who want God’s best for their marriages will explore the rewards and responsibilities of a Platinum Marriage, including: The Membership Requirements (Brokenness & Surrender), Personal Intimacy through Prayer, Power, Protection, and Praise & Peace. Set of 5 CDs & 1 Workbook or Mp3 download only.
Out of stockNew Living Translation (Tyndale House) Make the next 365 days the most exciting year of your life. Read, understand, and live all of God’s Word with The Daily Walk Bible
Some of the insights Don explains to couples include: Mile Marker One - The Fragrance of Forgiveness (Amos 3:3) Mile Marker Two - The Beauty of Brokenness (Isaiah 66:2b) Mile Marker Three - The Hunger for Holiness (Matthew 5:6) Mile Marker Four - The Power of Prayer & Praise (John 16:24)Set of 4 DVDs & 1 Workbook.
With his trademark enthusiasm, Don Anderson once again draws on his years of experience in Bible-teaching, counseling and marriage to speak truth and encouragement to married couples. Don creatively presents marriage in “seasons,” each with its own distinct characteristics, blessings, and challenges. Set of 4 CDs & 1 workbook or Mp3 download only.
Out of stockPhoto book by Jake Billingsley with Scripture added by Don Anderson. Each page in this hardback, coffee table book features a beautiful scene from God’s wondrous creation, photographed by Jake Billingsley. Jake is a devoted follower of Jesus, a professional photographer and also the oldest competitor on Survivor: Thailand. Accompanying each picture is inspiration from God’s Word shared from the heart of Don Anderson to inspire your personal worship of the Creator.